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Thread: exercise my enemy

  1. #1

    exercise my enemy


    I am very lazy to exercise. I have no motivation to exercise. I try to start something but it never lasts more than 1 day. I know it is a mind set. I find it boring. I should start baby steps. How does one get into the habit of exercise without hating it so much.
    I feel lethargic when I wake up in the morning even if I had a good night sleep. I am not overweight but I feel that I lack energy.
    I am sure it is a combination of poor diet nutrition and lack of exercise.
    Any starter tips to simply start exercising. I sometimes feel when I exercise i get light headed as well.

    SOS - please help. I know I should exercise but I just have this mental block and most probably don't know how to start. Most probably pure laziness and procrastination.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Oakdene - JHB South
    Hello !!
    What honesty!?!
    You obviously know the benefits of exercise - esp for increase in energy levels!
    You need to find a fun way of getting fit .
    If you are enjoying your workout then you will not feel this way about exercise.
    I suggest maybe dance - like zumba or depending on your fitness levels - pilates perhaps ?
    Light headiness is also related to a release of toxins in the body.
    However for all the reasons you have mentioned - you really should consider a Persanal Trainer.
    A Trainer will keep you motivated and ensures a variety in your workouts!
    Should you prefer I can teach you the exercises best suited to you in 3 sessions and you can maintain the programme .
    Send me a mail should you be interested .
    Anusha Maistry
    Fitness Fundi
    Mobile: 0722088487
    Email: Anushamaistry@gmail.com
    Services: http://bit.ly/FitnessFundi

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