Slmz nanima. I've been married 5 years and although I stay on my own we visit my in laws every weekend.I've tried so hard to have patience but every week my mother and aunty in law make my life very difficult they constantly put me n my child down they often say my child doesn't like me and it hurts I do suffer from low self esteem therefore I've tried to change my way of thinking.They don't want me visiting my mother whose a widow and altho she cuks every sunday for her family she has told me dat if I don't cum she can go out to eat I've spoken to my husband as I felt that I can cook at home and eat n den go I also never go empty handed my husband ignored my requests and we kept goin. I'm also trying to run a home industry on sunday I raised my voice as my aunty in law was screaming at me trying to get my recipes I've given them one but I also feel that's wrong coz I'm try to run a business and it seems my aunty in law wants to take my clients away.They say I'm rude and I shoudnt cum there der is a lot of tension between my husband n I altho he sed we can eat at home from now on I feel terrible and don't know wat to do!