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Thread: Divorce, how do I move on

  1. #1
    Administrator Nanima's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Divorce, how do I move on

    • Slmz nanima can you pls post this annonymously." How many muslimahs r divorced and how do you manage an move on,esp when u so young"..jazakallah

      how to divorce women move on when they find out there ex is already married,and moved on and u stil alone"

  2. #2

    be patient with yourself

    slmz divorce is difficult. its often just as difficult as loosing someone through death. you may grieve, feel sad and/or angry over the loss of a loved one, the life that you once had and, of the vision you may have had for your future. My advice:
    Allow yourself to Grieve,
    Give yourself time to process and accept this change,
    try not to compare yourself to others and/or focus on your own healing.
    This time is important so, use it to get closer to your Creator and towards self growth (and change if needed), as this will inform your partner choice.

  3. #3

    in dire need

    Hi all, I have bn marrid for 12 years to my husbnd , I am currently 38yrs old , we have been divorced nw for a couple of years , it was a very nasty break up , he has custody of my 2 kids which I don't c at all , he got the house etc. I was left homeles, fell into wrong company , was on drugs cald sugas etc , bn to rehab I guess I'm all cleand up now. I think iv moved on but not sure , ex husband is currently livin in my house with a black woman who I tink was one of my old maids.ladies pls watchout about leavin hubbys at hme alone with maids.I'm in need of food , clothes or moneys , please help me, u may contact me via nanima. Jazaks

  4. #4
    Aslms - I honestly feel you should not let it get you down. You still young, why you worrying about what he is doing? If your x is married, good luck to him. This is the time for you to be a better person and to start a new chapter in your life. Divorce must be a terrible and hard thing to get through, I can imagine, but stop dwelling on the past. You not alone seriously and should stop feeling that way. If you think negative, you attract negativity, also everything he does will always affect you, you should not allow it.

  5. #5
    Dear woman in dire need. I'm so happy that u have come to a place where u are now over drugs, its a very hard thing to overcome and I commend u for that. Put urself out there ur story people will help u- no matter what u did or didn't do u know right and rong now. In a muslim community we can only help each other and repent for our wrong doings! Don't worry about your husband he will never be happy with a maid and try to get visitation of ur kids and as time prospers and u can support urself u will be able to support and provide 4 them also!

  6. #6
    Slms, I hav been through exactly the same as you, I was 21 wen I got divorced wit 2 kids my x got re-married nt even a week later, it hurt lyk u won't believe, duaa, n turning to Allah helped me a lot, also talking about it when you feel the need to helped, having the support of my family n frends helped a lot. N wit tym ul start to feel a lot better, tym really does heal. Its been 3 years for me now, n shukr I am over it. InshaAllah Allah will make it easier for you... My heart goes out to you...

  7. #7
    Administrator Nanima's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
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