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Thread: Gr2 child exhausted due to homework

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  1. #1
    Administrator Nanima's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Gr2 child exhausted due to homework

    Plz post as anon! Slms and hi to all! I need some advice plz! My son is 7yrs old and in grade 2! He gets homework everyday,even for weekends! Plz don't get me wrong I don't think there's anything wrong with homework for kids but I do believe there should be a limit! His homework takes him atleast and hour,that's leaving out madressa work! My son is a straight 'A student' alhumduliah! Th eproblem is that he gets so exhausted with work that there's no time to spend with us! I have asked lotsa family who have kids in grd 2,and they said their kids get homework every second day,and not like wat my lb gets! I have confronted the school(its a public school) and they said that's its the department books they ffg! Today he comes home with 3 books to complete during the holidays! Firstly I want to know from other moms who have kids in grd 2,if their kids get this much homework and who can I take this matter up with,coz I feel this school is pushing the kids too much!' Really tired and frustrated mom! TIA

  2. #2
    Administrator Nanima's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    He is in h@@@@ school in durban! I'm not a mother who will push a child beyond limits,that's y this frustrates me! They are only in grd 2,but they have homework as if they in matric....his homework for the holidays is the blue department basic education books! Each book he has over 40pgs to complete! That's term 1 work! He isn't a slow worker,so its not work that he hasn't completed in class! Its homework for the whole class! They say they ffg the caps program so that's y they get soo much work! That's just crazee! Plz respond to my post anon!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    The person you can take the matter up is the school. Call other parents in the same class and if everyone feels it is an issue write a communal letter. But you're not going to get anywhere without communicating with the school.

  4. #4
    that amount of homework doesn't sound very normal to me -- esp for a grade 2 kid - Also they should be given holiday homework in grade 2 - is the teacher doing the job or what !!!

  5. #5
    apologies - should NOT be given holiday homework in Grade 2

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