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Thread: At what age do girls start menstruating?

  1. #1

    At what age do girls start menstruating?

    Hi. My daughter is 8years old. She saw blood once when going to the toilet and it was once off. It happened again 1 week later. Could she be menstruating? So early? Is it normal? Thanks

  2. #2
    Girls usually start menstuating from the age 9 and up because of the hormones injected in foods
    Maybe you should take her to the doc just for a check up, just to be safe

  3. #3
    Usually happens at about 11/12 but a neighbours child did get her periods at 9 years.

  4. #4

    See a doctor

    Girls can start menstruating as early as 6. Known as precocius puberty. There are other causes of vaginal bleeds. Please take u child to a doctor as they will be able to rule out other causes and if need be halt ur childs puberty so that she can undergo this change when she's a little older and able to handle the changesbetter

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