Rahima Moosa formerly Coronation
Has anyone delivered their baby at this hospital? Please share your experience and recommendations.
I'd also love to hear peoples experience. I'm due in January n I'm thinking of going there.
Slm. I gave birth there in april and got good care shukr. Jst attend all ur prenatal appointments either @ clinic or @ rahima moosa. When u go in jst make sabr as they got all their own rules and if u listen to the nurses and do what they ask you will be ok. They take real good care of the babies with regard to checking them and injections and insha-Allah if natural birth you can go home after 6 hours or at most overnight.
I gave birth der in 2010 nd it was realy nyc,nurses were helpfull and day tel u exactly wat 2 do nd wats hapenin 2 u oh nd dnt 4get 2 tel dem if u want sum1 2 b der wit u wen u in the delivery room,oh nd da nly ting is dat nobody is alowd in the ward
Birth at Raheema Moosa
Do you have to go to a specefic clinic to give birth at Raheema Moosa Hospital?
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My sister is thinking of going there at Rahima Moosa Hospital. Who helps to deliver the baby? Doctors or a midwife? And how's the facilities?
Slmz can any1 plz share their birthing experience at rahima moosa . If you have had a cesarean section preferably. I'm going there and will have to have another cesar. Just need to
Know how long do they keep u after the cesar and the level of care. Jzk
Hi there .. No need to worry at all .. My baby was born the night before old year eve 2014 .. Baby is healthy and service was really professional .. Nurses were great and very helpful .. An important tip is ask for painkillers if you feel you need more or else trhey won't do it without you asking.. Thinking you're fine .. They checked baby and me .. All meds were free and very safe .. Security is very good
Also .. Sent a fortune at Sandton mediclinic for the birth of my first 2 kids .. When I found out I was preg with baby number 3 I got a quote for R70000 for a c-section with a private gynae .. Was so worried about going to a gov hospital .. But the nurses were so kind .. Even better than in a private hospital .. Everything was completely free! Only that you share the ward with other moms going through the same thing as you .. Also babies crying in the ward so not much sleep I stayed for2 nights and then was released after my check up and all was fine .. Food is a bit bland .. Take some bottled water with you for taking pain killers .. Pads, nappies are free and provided .. In the front of the ward .. But if you feel too sore to walk .. Bring a few extra with you .. Wear shoes to protect your feet .. Cos some ladies drip some blood in the bathrooms .. But they do clean often
You do need to attend a specific clinic to go to Rahima M .. If you live in Randburg area you can go to Randburg clinic .. You will have to show proof of address , telephone or electric account will do .. Or if you're renting get someone to write a letter for you .. New applicants are accepted only on Tuesdays at Randburg clinic ( across from the taxi rank, next to licensing dept. .. They will check baby there and do blood tests etc .. Take a a day off for it .. Cos it takes quite long for the first time .. The green card you get when you get there is your ticket to get your delivery done at RM .. So keep it safe
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