‎1 kg chick. fillet cubed
1 T ground garlic
1 T green chillies
1 T danya chutney
1 T lemon juice
1 t chicken spice
1 t aromat
1 t black pepper
1 t dana jeeroo
Salt 2 taste
I onion chopped
1 T ghee
Samoosa pur
Thin samoosa laai
2 potatoes
Saute onion in ghee.Add chicken with
spices and cook till tender.
Boil potatoes,season with salt and
pepper,mash and add to chicken.
Mix well then form into balls.
Freeze for a short while so easier to
work with.
Cut thin strips of pur,place a handful of
pur onto palm of hand,dip chicken ball
into samoosa laai then place onto
palm and roll to form a ball.Make sure
the chicken is covered well with
pur.Freeze well.Fry in hot oil as for