After 7 years TTC and 2 miscarriages alhamdulillah I am now 30 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. I was diagnosed wid pcos and had a 4cm cyst drained n then removed. My husband was said to be sub-fertile. I am totally terrified of western meds and so after reading a book called "How to get pregnant" by dr Zhai avail on kalahari I started searching for a Chinese medicine doctor. I found 1 and started traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in April last year. Within a month I was expecting after my last miscarriage in 2010! Unfortunately we were unaware that I have a blood clotting problem and the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. After a d&c and another 3 months of treatment here we are! Allah is all powerful. Please try to get that book or else search the internet about tcm and male infertility. It can be treated.