View Full Version : lost, burnt out and at the end of the road

05-05-2013, 12:19 AM
Slm. I'm married for almost 3 years. My husband and I have ababy girl. I feel like I should not have married him. He has been on and off drugs, cheating, abandons me and leaves to his parents for months while he says that he needs to "sort out his issues". I have been the man in the marriage. He comes back and then things are fine for a few months and back to square one. This is my second marriage. He gets jobs then quits or messes up. I have approached maulanas and imaams and they all want us to attend counselling. We do but he doesn't follow through. He lies about everything. I can't take it anymore. I just wish I can just die or he must. Please help. What do I do. Need help badly. I'm in jhb.