View Full Version : Very confused

20-06-2012, 04:10 PM
I am a mom of 2 boys one 2 1/2 and the other 4 1/2 years. I live with my inlaws. This friday eve i am going away with my girlfriends for the weekend.

My husband insists i go because he says i deserve this break. On the other hand my sister said how can i leave the kids and go. I have a nanny who is well trained and knows what to do regarding the kids. My mother - in law is there to supervise as well. I will be preparing the kids meals on Friday.

I will be back on Sunday. I will leave in the eve and after an hour my husband will be home. He is too hands on with the kids. It just a matter of Saturday because my husband works but he will be back in the afternoon. Why do i feel so guilty going away. I have never been away before.:(:(

Zarina Chohan
20-06-2012, 08:27 PM
Motherhood is a self-less 'profession' and sometimes we place an excessive amount of pressure on ourselves to be 'perfect'. However what we often forget is that by taking care of ourselves (like spending time with friends or going for a massage/manicure or a weekend away with your spouse), we are in a better emotional space to give more to our children. its not only the 'quantity' of time that matters, but also the quality of time that you spend with your children.
happy mum =happy children.
hope this helps.