View Full Version : Chocolate Samoosa

15-06-2012, 09:50 AM
Nanima please help slms, I'm looking for the recipe of the chocolate samoosas.... It would be a great help

15-06-2012, 09:52 AM
Farzana Bismilla Bhamjee Wslm:CHOCOLATE SAMOOSA

Any plain chocolate of your choice. Nestle Cream, Samoosa Purr


Chop up chocolate into small pieces and take ur chocolate melt it and add some nestle cream with it (not to much) then place in a flat dish and allow to cool, this will make the ganache workable when u need to fill the pur, so, when u use this method, u will get a soft goowy chocolate that will ooze out of the crispy pur, even if not eaten straight away.
Fry in hot oil until golden brown.
Drain and enjoy hot wid ice cream