View Full Version : Aero Biscuits

14-08-2012, 11:01 AM

250g butter or margarine
3/4cup icing sugar
1sp vanilla
100g mint Aero chocolate
2cups cake flour
1/2tsp Baking Powder

Mix butter, vanilla and icing sugar until smooth, fold in the chopped aero chocolate, baking powder and enough cake flour to make a soft dough.
Roll out dough 7mm thick on a plastic sheet, cut out any shape, place 2cm apart on dusted baking tray and bake on 160 d/c for 10-15min.
When cool, drizzle with chocolate. Enjoy

02-10-2012, 07:03 AM
Aero biscuits are something different and unique than other biscuits. Only method is different to make it. Home made biscuits are really very healthy and safe to eat.