View Full Version : Tiredness

16-01-2013, 02:42 PM
Hi, I am permanently tires, irrespective wether I goto bed earlyor late at night.
I work normal office hours and no physical activities at work which could possibly cause me to become exhausted.
Please advise of a supplement or Vitamin to rectify the fatigue.

Thank you

Dr Joy Saville
17-01-2013, 03:50 PM
You need to investigate if there are any underlying causes for your fatigue, so I would suggest that you consult with your medical practitioner to rule out any serious causes of fatigue. However, fatigue is often associated with one or other lifestyle factor. Either the food you are eating is not providing your body with the recommended nutrients, too many sugary and fatty foods are also culprits in causing fatigue; or your sleep cycle is out of sync due to irregular sleeping times or poor sleep quality. even emotional upsets can result in you feeling tired all the time. So it is important to try and correct these areas of your life.

add more vegetables to your diet. exercise regularly - initially you may feel more drained but exercise is a great way to get oxygen to your brain. go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (try for 7-8 hours sleep and get into bed before 10pm if possible). keep a journal and do deep breathing exercises at night before bed to help rid your brain from any negative thoughts and emotions.

There are a few herbs or herbal products available to boost energy.

1. Oatstraw - oatstraw works to provide more blood to the brain giving you sustained energy through the day
2. Rhodiola - rhodiola also works on the brain and makes it come alive. This is an excellent energy booster

Natural home remedy using Indian gooseberries:

1. Take 4-5 Indian gooseberries
2. Remove their seeds and crush the gooseberries
3. Add the paste to 300 ml hot water
4. Boil the mixture for 20 min
5. Allow it to cool
6. Strain the liquid using a sieve
7. Drink it 3 times a day
8. Add honey to improve the taste